Let’s start by illustrating our tours

Take home a unique souvenir

Make special magical moments

Impress your sweetie

Have fun with your friends

Fabrizio’s Shooting Time Rome

Shooting Time Rome is Fabrizio’s idea of making your holiday simply perfect. Moments that are worth sharing and remembering with beautiful pictures, that only a professional photographer like him can make last forever.

With three practical ideal tours you can choose and freely modify according to your preferences, Fabrizio and his team will create the best photo-shoot you have ever had.

Hightlight your tours in Rome with Shooting Time Rome

Tour 1 – from Colosseo to Fontana di Trevi

The photographers will accompany you around these best sights, capturing every moment spontaneously and upon request. Your holiday will be unforgettable.


Tour 2 – from Giardino degli Aranci to Isola Tiberina

Fabrizio has TOUR 2 as an ace in the sleeve for all of those who have already seen the main sites of Rome and want to capture those amazing secret views, those which go in second place when you visit Rome for the first time.


Tour 3 – from San Pietro to Piazza Navona

The beauties of Rome are too many to see all at once, but those you can’t miss out on are those from St. Peter’s Square to Piazza Navona, those piazzas are just unbelievably beautiful and suggestive, you will love every feature of them, and Fabrizio will catch every moment of you living them.


Photography is their Passion

Fabrizio and his team simply love what they do; every shoot and reportage shows a bit of whom they are. You will meet amazing photographers, who love their city and know how to best capture it.

Tourists need someone who understands their needs, that’s why Fabrizio is your person.

Expert of the job, specialised in wedding and ceremony reportage after participating to the Wedding Photojournalist Association, Fabrizio has decided to focus on reportages around Rome, especially for tourists.

You will love Rome, obviously because of its unique beauty, but mostly because Fabrizio will make you fall in love with this city.

If you don’t want to miss a thing about your beautiful trip, contact us!
Send us an email
and personalise your tour with your favourite corners around Rome.

Your photo-shoot

What you need to know about your photo-shoot:

  • Local photographer, with historical and architectonic insights on the best sites around Rome;
  • Each photo-shoot lasts around three hours or differently according to our client’s needs;
  • The tour is ideal for couples, small and big groups, we are equipped for any need and capture genuine and posing photos;
  • Within 3 days from the shoot you will receive a minimum of 50 shots via email, different size printouts are available upon request and hotel, national and international delivery is possible too;
  • All pictures are optimized and high-resolution, digitally calibrated lights and colours;
  • Friendly and professional service;

What our clients say about us


Stefano S

“Una bellissima esperienza nel cuore della Città Eterna! Gli scenari magici di Roma uniti alla bravura e professionalità di Fabrizio Vinti ci hanno reso un reportage meraviglioso e fatto passare delle ore piacevoli. Consigliato a tutti coloro che, turisti e non, desiderano un bel book fotografico eseguito da un professionista serio e bravo come Fabrizio.”

Mar Co

“I was on holiday with my girlfriend and we decided to have a shooting around Rome with this professional photographer.. It was the best choice!! He is very kind, polite and he is very professional and makes his job with love and passion! I really suggest him!! We had a great experience in Rome and thanks to him we have also great pictures! We ll call him again in our next trip to Rome!!”

Francesco Lautieri

“Un ottimo professionista, gentile e disponibile. I miei amici sposi sono rimasti soddisfattissimi, lo consigliamo vivamente!”

Maurizio Gandini

“Abbiamo passato con Fabrizio un pomeriggio immersi nelle bellezze del centro di Roma a fine ottobre, per un book fotografico dedicato alla nostra famiglia, grande professionalità e simpatia oltre a un incredibile sensibilità nel cogliere i tratti che ci caratterizzano. Lo raccomandiamo senz’altro”

Alessio Tarsi

“Cortese, disponibile e molto competente. Ha dimostrato professionalità e siamo rimasti molto soddisfatti del lavoro svolto.”